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5 Smart Pieces of Money Advice Financial Planners Will Tell You for Free

If there's anyone you should turn to for honest and objective money advice, it's a financial planner. Certified financial planners have a fiduciary responsibility to provide guidance and recommendations that are in your best interest — not theirs, their company's, or anyone else's. That said, financial planners can still offer sound and actionable advice when they're not sitting with a client one-on-one. Here's some of the smart money advice financial planners have shared with us. By Tanza Loudenback via Business Insider with contribution from Luis F. Rosa, CFP® EA.

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8 Signs You're Not Building Wealth as Fast as You Think

No matter how eager you are to build long-term wealth, the path to get there is usually long and slow. Instead of becoming a millionaire overnight, the small steps you take every day — and with every paycheck — will snowball until enough time has passed to let compound interest thoroughly do its job. But are you living up to your financial potential? Now, that's a tough question to answer. You may be investing regularly and saving plenty of money, but that doesn't mean you're not also working against yourself. By Holly Johnson via Business Insider with contribution from Luis F. Rosa, CFP® EA

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5 Money Moves to Make Before You Turn 40

Turning the big 4-0 is a perfect time to reflect on how far you've come in life, the milestones you've surpassed, and the relationships you've built. But for some people — especially those who don't have their financial ducks in a row — it's a time when panic sets in. After all, turning 40 can make you painfully aware that time is running out to fix any financial mistakes you've made in the past. At the same time, you need to get serious about your money if you want to enjoy your golden years without financial stress. That's why financial advisers suggest a handful of money moves everyone should make before their 40th birthday. By Holly Johnson via Wisebread with contribution from Luis F. Rosa, CFP® EA

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What You Don't Know About Your Parents' Finances Could Ruin Yours

I wasn’t too surprised when personal finance website GOBankingRates recently released a survey that found that 73% of Americans haven’t had conversations with aging parents about their finances. After all, most people are too busy trying to figure out their own finances to think about having money talks with their parents. What did surprise me, though, was that 22% of the survey’s respondents said that they never plan to have this conversation with their parents because they think their parents’ finances are none of their business. It’s one thing to assume that these conversations can wait until a health or financial emergency makes them necessary. But avoiding money talks with your parents altogether can be a mistake. By Jeff Rose, CFP® via Forbes with contribution from Luis F. Rosa, CFP® EA

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Find Your Place in the Profession

Luis F. Rosa, CFP®, EA, spoke at NexGen Gathering about his career path within financial planning, diversity in the financial planning profession, and how the next generation of planners can find their own place in this profession – even if it doesn’t exist yet. As a firm owner, Luis spends a notable amount of time involving himself in the profession. He firmly believes that, in order to positively impact his clients – and the profession as a whole, it’s important to be involved as a mentor. He’s involved as a mentor through NexGen, attends conferences frequently, and also focuses on one-on-one, informal mentorship of new planners. Luis is passionate about focusing on building up the next generation and he loves to participate in focused mentorship of potential new minority planners. He also encourages other planners and work to continue building the profession. In this episode, Luis shares importance of mentorship, how to define your place within the profession as a new planner, and how you can find a home within financial planning. You won’t want to miss this!

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