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Luis Rosa: Addressing Disparities and Inequities in Finance

In this episode of Framework, Carson’s Jamie Hopkins and Ana Limón talk with Luis Rosa, Certified Financial Planner and founder of Build a Better Financial Future LLC. Community involvement was an important value in Luis’ family while living in the Dominican Republic. After moving to New York City when he was 11 years old and then entering into the workforce as a young adult, Luis experienced some of his own challenges when he had to turn down unpaid internships due to not being able to afford to work without an income. Luis talks with Jamie and Ana about overcoming these obstacles, breaking down the barriers that others may experience and closing the wealth gap between the privileged and our Black and Latinx communities.

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New Planner Podcast Interview

Luis Rosa and Emlen Miles-Mattingly join the show today to discuss the BLX internship program they co-created with Chloe Moore and Shawn Tydlaska. In this episode, Luis and Emlen share the "why" behind the BLX program, which stems from their personal struggles in entering the financial planning profession, a desire to increase the number of Black and Latino financial planners, and wanting to make advice more accessible to Americans who desperately need it. Listen in as they share the qualifications for the interns (as well as the firms that hire them), the training they provide to help ensure a successful internship for both parties, and what they have planned for next year. You'll learn how to get involved, as well as what it will take to educate and attract more minorities to the financial planning profession.

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Conversations with Financial Professionals Interview

The financial services industry is changing. In this episode, Luis Rosa and Dominique Henderson talk about how to become a financial advisor and how to find your niche. Luis is the host of the “On My Way to Wealth” podcast, co-founder of the BlatinX (BLX) Internship Program and LatinXcellence – an initiative that seeks to bring awareness to and help close the wealth gap in the LatinX community.

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Find Your Place in the Profession

Luis F. Rosa, CFP®, EA, spoke at NexGen Gathering about his career path within financial planning, diversity in the financial planning profession, and how the next generation of planners can find their own place in this profession – even if it doesn’t exist yet. As a firm owner, Luis spends a notable amount of time involving himself in the profession. He firmly believes that, in order to positively impact his clients – and the profession as a whole, it’s important to be involved as a mentor. He’s involved as a mentor through NexGen, attends conferences frequently, and also focuses on one-on-one, informal mentorship of new planners. Luis is passionate about focusing on building up the next generation and he loves to participate in focused mentorship of potential new minority planners. He also encourages other planners and work to continue building the profession. In this episode, Luis shares importance of mentorship, how to define your place within the profession as a new planner, and how you can find a home within financial planning. You won’t want to miss this!

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